During my visit in October 2006 I received a picture of the PAR lamp measurement setup used so far. Thereby I had a base to discuss the requirements with my supervisor to modify the setup and so we created the following requirement list.
Requirement list:
- a closed setup, that means that it has a light proof cover so that it is possible to work with turned on ambient light
- detector should have to readout capability by personal computer in terms that the employee needn’t search on the wall with a hand photometer
- equipment should be controlled with a personal computer in terms that the employee operates the equipment from the same space he reads out the values. He needn’t move.
- existing holding for the PAR lamps should be used so that there is no need to build a new holding every version of the PAR lamp
- detector must show values in candela, so that the employee needn’t calculate the values from illuminance in luminous intensity (see chapter 2.5) by hand
- the fixture of the light unit will be adjustable (if necessary) in order that it is possible to adjust the light beam on the wall if it is not in the centre of the setup
- values to be measured are centre beam candle power (cbcp) plus horizontal (±35°) and vertical (±20°) cut
- the modified setup shall show the beam angle at 10% and 50% of cbcp
- the distance between the light source and the detector shall be fixed and optimized according to the local possibilities and the sensor demands
- the resolution of the measured values should be two degrees or better
- the equipment cost for modification shall be less than 10,000.00 US$