Before it was possible to read out the luminous intensity values and the beam angle from the screen it was necessary to did some settings and tests with the software.

Due to the camera takes the images not from the same space like the lamp are fixed it was necessary to do an equalization of the image after the camera took the image. For this I created a template for the guys who have to use the setup but the equalization of each measurement must be done by hand like it is showed in the instruction manual.

Further it was necessary to create a conversion factor so that the software can convert the measured values (luminance) into luminous intensity values. This conversion factor I detect by measuring ten different PAR lamps with the software and with a photometer. Then I calculated the factors as shows follow and ascertained the average of these ten factors.

factor for equalization 
illuminance [lx] (equal luminous intensity because the distance is one meter 
luminous intensity